Tag Archives: Maya Angelou

Keeping My Father’s Tradition Alive

12 Oct

When you learn, teach.  When you get, give.”  That is one of my favorite quotes from the poet & best-selling author Maya Angelou.  It was as a child I heard time & time again that what you give comes back to you.  My father spent many hours volunteering at the local food kitchen in Washington D.C., Martha’s Table.  It was here that I got my first taste of service.  It was his example of selfless service that made me see that life is an energy exchange of giving and receiving, and the way to have what you want is to give what you need. 

As a friend recently said, “If your intention is clear, and you are giving for the true joy of it then your generosity will be returned to you.  It most likely won’t come from the person you gave to, but from some unimagined source.  No matter what, though, it will come back to you.”

I love to give!!  I love to serve!!  Today call the local food kitchen & volunteer or leave a bushel of apples on your next door neighbor’s front porch with a note or track down the teacher who had the most influence in your life & send them a note!!  Just do it & I promise you you will taste the greatest joy known to mankind  — the joy of selfless service.

When you learn, teach.  When you get, give.

Heidi, Zoe, & Tsering making sandwiches

Heidi, Zoe, & Tsering making sandwiches


Where My Life of Service Began

Where My Life of Service Began